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Enable refreshing variable values without re-starting Live Testing completely

(Added on behalf of customer)

- There is a cache issue when changes have been made in Testcase coding and "old" variable values have been calculated before. The customer had to restart the live browser engine several times (reset button) to thus get the current variable values....

- "I saved the changes and executed the step again --> there it takes the old variables or the old part of the code. Only after I restarted the engine it takes it"...

- A restart is always a bit painful if you are in the middle of the development and the test script is not yet so stable.

- This leads e.g. to the renewed logon to the system etc. always costs a lot of time and you have to work your way back to the actual point - where you last stopped.

- Solution: A separate "reset cache" button would be great here.

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